Sunday, June 12, 2016

test test

Well, we're gearing up to kick off our big trip. Lalo y Mago will be the name of the blog from here on out, documenting our travels first road tripping to Boston and then flying out and spending (theoretically) the second half of 2016 in South America. A year and a half ago, we learned that Lalo is a spanish nickname for Eduardo and that Mago is the spanish nickname equivalent of Maggie so here we are.
Our plan as laid out right now, is to start off in Quito, Ecuador and work our way south through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, probably Argentina and maybe Uruguay. Our hope is to see a part of the world neither of us has explored and learn conversational Spanish to take back to our careers and lives in the States. We just bought a Samsung Chromebook for a lightweight and inexpensive mode of blogging and emailing folks back home. Here goes!

1 comment:

  1. Test Test Success Success. How do you say, "It is difficult to ride my tricycle with babyfood peas in my ballet slippers!" in Spanish? Don't emigrate until you can tell me. God Speed and you took Buying the ticket and taking the ride to a whooolllee new level. Gratz!
